How To Resolve QuickBooks Error 6190 (CompanyFile Doesn't Open)

Fix QuickBooks Error 6190 -816

· QuickBooks Helpline,QuickBooks Error,QuickBooks Tools
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QuickBooks is an essential tool for many businesses,offering a comprehensive solution for managing finances, payroll, inventory, and more. However, as with any software, QuickBooks is not immune to errors. These errors can range from minor issues to significant disruptions that impact business operations. One such issue is QuickBooks Error 6190, which canbe a frustrating roadblock for users.

What is QuickBooks Error 6190?

QuickBooks Error 6190 is a common error that typicallyoccurs when users attempt to access a company file that is being used in a single-user mode on a different computer. This error can also arise if there is a discrepancy between the company file (.QBW) and the transaction log file (.TLG). The error prevents users from opening the company file, causing disruptions in daily operations.

Symptoms of QuickBooks Error 6190

When QuickBooks Error 6190 occurs, users may encounterseveral symptoms, including:

  • Difficultyin opening the company file.
  • QuickBookssoftware freezing or crashing unexpectedly.
  • Errormessages appearing on the screen, specifically indicating Error 6190.

Recognizing these symptoms early on can help indiagnosing and resolving the error before it escalates.

Causes of QuickBooks Error 6190

Several factors can trigger QuickBooks Error 6190,including:

1. Single-user mode issue: Theerror often arises when a user tries to open a company file that is in use in single-user mode on another system.

2. Discrepancy between transaction log fileand company file: If the .TLG file does not match the .QBWfile, QuickBooks may not be able to open the company file, resulting in Error 6190.

3. Data corruption: Corruption in the company file or supporting files can lead to this error.

4. Incomplete or unsuccessful update: IfQuickBooks was not updated correctly, or if the update process was interrupted, Error 6190 may occur.

How to Diagnose QuickBooks Error 6190?

Diagnosing QuickBooks Error 6190 involves a few steps:

  • Checkingthe error message: The error message displayed will provideclues as to what is causing the issue.
  • Using QuickBooks File Doctor: This tool is designed to diagnose and repairissues related to company files.
  • Reviewingthe QuickBooks log file (QBWin.log): This log file can offerdetailed information about errors and issues within QuickBooks.

Preliminary Checks Before Fixing the Error

Before attempting to resolve QuickBooks Error 6190, it'scrucial to perform the following preliminary checks:

1. Ensure QuickBooks is updated to the latestversion: An outdated version of QuickBooks may contribute toerrors.

2. Verify that all users are logged out ofthe company file: Ensure that no other users are accessing thecompany file.

3. Backup your company file:Always create a backup before attempting to fix any issues to prevent data loss.

Methods to Resolve QuickBooks Error 6190

Method 1: Use QuickBooks File Doctor

QuickBooks File Doctor is a powerful tool that canautomatically diagnose and fix many issues, including Error 6190. Here’s how to use it:

  • Download and install QuickBooks Tool Hub if you don’t already have it.
  • OpenQuickBooks Tool Hub and select the "Company File Issues" tab.
  • Clickon "Run QuickBooks File Doctor."
  • Browseto the company file that is causing the issue.
  • Letthe tool diagnose and repair the file.

Method 2: Rename the .ND and .TLG Files

The .ND (Network Data) and .TLG (Transaction Log) filescan sometimes cause issues if they become corrupted. Renaming these files can resolve the error:

  • Locatethe folder containing your company file.
  • Findthe files with the same name as your company file but with .ND and .TLG
  • Right-clickon each file and select "Rename."
  • Add".OLD" to the end of the file names (e.g., CompanyFileName.ND.OLD).
  • OpenQuickBooks and try accessing your company file again.

Method 3: Verify and Rebuild Data

QuickBooks provides an in-built utility to verify andrebuild data. This process can help fix data integrity issues:

  • OpenQuickBooks and go to the "File" menu.
  • Select"Utilities" and then "Verify Data."
  • IfQuickBooks finds an issue, proceed to "Rebuild Data" under the same
  • Followthe on-screen instructions to rebuild the data.

Method 4: Use Quick Fix My Program

Quick Fix My Program is another tool within QuickBooksTool Hub that can help resolve Error 6190:

  • OpenQuickBooks Tool Hub and select the "Program Problems" tab.
  • Clickon "Quick Fix My Program."
  • Letthe tool run and resolve any issues.
  • RestartQuickBooks and attempt to open your company file.

Method 5: Manual Resolution

If all else fails, a manual approach may be necessary.This can include:

  • Checkingfor any network issues if you are using QuickBooks in a multi-user environment.
  • Ensuringthat all users are logged out of QuickBooks.
  • Manuallyrenaming or moving the company file and trying to open it from a different location.

Additional Tips to Prevent QuickBooks Error6190

Preventing QuickBooks Error 6190 requires some bestpractices, including:

  • Regularlyupdate QuickBooks software: Always keep your software up to date to avoid potential issues.
  • Backupyour data frequently: Regular backups can protect your data and minimize disruptions.
  • Regularlyverify and rebuild data: Performing regular data verification and rebuilding can help maintain data integrity.

When to Contact QuickBooks Support?

While the methods outlined above can resolve mostinstances of QuickBooks Error 6190, there are times when professional help is necessary:

  • Persistenterror despite troubleshooting: If the error persists after trying all the
  • Dataloss concerns: If you suspect data loss or corruption.
  • Complextechnical issues: When you encounter issues beyond basic troubleshooting.

To contact QuickBooks support, visit the officialQuickBooks website and use their support resources to get in touch with a professional.


QuickBooks Error 6190 can be a major inconvenience, butwith the right knowledge and tools, it can be resolved quickly and efficiently. By understanding the causes and symptoms, performing the necessary diagnostic steps, and applying the appropriate fixes, you can restore your QuickBooks software to full functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What should I do if QuickBooks File Doctordoesn’t fix the error?

If QuickBooks File Doctor doesn’t resolve the issue, trythe other methods listed, such as renaming the .ND and .TLG files or using Quick Fix My Program. If the error persists, consider reaching out to QuickBooks support.

How often should I back up my QuickBooksdata?

It's recommended to back up your QuickBooks data daily,especially if you frequently make changes to your company file. Regular backups help prevent data loss in case of errors.

Can QuickBooks Error 6190 cause data loss?

While Error 6190 itself doesn’t typically cause dataloss, the actions taken to fix it, such as data verification and rebuilding, may reveal underlying data corruption. Always back up your data before attempting any fixes.

Is QuickBooks Error 6190 common?

Yes, QuickBooks Error 6190 is a relatively common issue,especially in environments where QuickBooks is used in single-user mode on multiple machines.

What is the best way to prevent QuickBookserrors?

Regular updates, frequent data backups, and regular dataverification and rebuilding are key practices to prevent QuickBooks errors. Also, ensure that all users are properly trained in using QuickBooks to avoid accidental errors.